Best quotes by John Oates on Music

Checkout quotes by John Oates on Music

  • It's the music that brings us together.
    - John Oates
  • I don't listen to music. I very rarely listen to music. I only listen for information. I listen when a friend sends me a song or a new record.
    - John Oates
  • Dick Clark's 'American Bandstand' spread the gospel of American pop music and teenage style that transcended the regional boundaries of our country and united a youth culture that eventually spread its message throughout the entire world.
    - John Oates
  • The bricks and mortar of the music business, they don't exist any longer.
    - John Oates
  • I think in music and a lot of creative fields, people's egos get in the way of their ability of seeing the big picture.
    - John Oates
  • I'm an indie artist with major distribution, so one foot in the extreme major music business and one foot in the abyss of indie artists.
    - John Oates
  • I was born at the beginning of rock and roll. I got to experience the entire evolution of popular rock and roll music even before it started.
    - John Oates
  • Swimming upstream in the music business is a hard thing to do.
    - John Oates
  • I was just glad to meet somebody outside of my group of small town friends who was into music. Somebody else who had aspirations to do something more than sing at a record hop.
    - John Oates
  • In the days when regional music was very clearly defined and had a clear personality - Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, whatever - Philadelphia had a tradition that was very distinct and unique.
    - John Oates
  • I may just keep releasing singles 'til I run out of music, which is kind of cool in a way - as long as people don't go, 'Oh my God, not another one!'
    - John Oates
  • Americana Music is about all sorts of different music. It's very free and open: a world where people just like authentic music.
    - John Oates
  • The only job I'd ever had that might be considered not playing music was teaching guitar, which I did in college for a while, but that still falls in the same category.
    - John Oates
  • If it wasn't for music, I doubt whether we'd be friends.
    - John Oates