Best quotes by John Delaney on Change

Checkout quotes by John Delaney on Change

  • Climate change is the environmental challenge of this generation, and it is imperative that we act before it's too late.
    - John Delaney
  • Two decades of experience as an entrepreneur and CEO has informed my view that our priorities must stress improving educational outcomes, rebuilding America's infrastructure, lowering health care costs, addressing climate change, reforming immigration, and ushering in an advanced energy economy.
    - John Delaney
  • During their service, men and women in our Armed Forces live by a common creed, promising never to leave a soldier behind. We should live by the same principle. When our veterans are asked to travel hundreds of miles for care that's offered right next door, we simply aren't living up to that standard, and something has to change.
    - John Delaney
  • The need to change our country's fiscal trajectory, including reforming entitlement programs, is an unassailable reality that will define our time.
    - John Delaney
  • While some politicians argue over whether to believe scientists' almost overwhelming consensus on climate change, the business sector is a believer and is wisely planning ahead.
    - John Delaney