Best quotes by Joanna Coles on Women

Checkout quotes by Joanna Coles on Women

  • It's fun working with smart, young women.
    - Joanna Coles
  • There's nothing more mainstream than equal pay for equal work. I mean, it's completely obvious that's what feminism should be for, and for women's right to choose what happens to their own bodies.
    - Joanna Coles
  • We have a generation of women who think that they can just have IVF, and everything will be fine. The odds are against you once you start having IVF, and the odds are against you over the age of 35. And to pretend that it's easy to have a baby in your 40s or 50s is - it's just selling women a false dream.
    - Joanna Coles
  • One of the things 'Cosmo' feels really strongly about is we need more women candidates running, and we need more women across the parties in D.C.
    - Joanna Coles
  • I think that women's lives are multilayered.
    - Joanna Coles
  • I have no problem understanding that women are interested in mascara and the Middle East.
    - Joanna Coles