Best quotes by Joan Halifax on Compassion

Checkout quotes by Joan Halifax on Compassion

  • Many of us think that compassion drains us, but I promise you it is something that truly enlivens us.
    - Joan Halifax
  • Developing our capacity for compassion makes it possible for us to help others in a more skillful and effective way. And compassion helps us as well.
    - Joan Halifax
  • Compassion has enemies, and those enemies are things like pity, moral outrage, fear.
    - Joan Halifax
  • Most of us are shrinking in the face of psycho-social and physical poisons, of the toxins of our world. But compassion, the generation of compassion, actually mobilizes our immunity.
    - Joan Halifax
  • Compassion may be defined as the capacity to be attentive to the experience of others, to wish the best for others, and to sense what will truly serve others.
    - Joan Halifax