Best quotes by Jessica Williams on People

Checkout quotes by Jessica Williams on People

  • There's truth in comedy, and that resonates with people of all races.
    - Jessica Williams
  • Oftentimes, as women and women of color, we are put as supporting characters in other people's narratives. With 'Jessica James', she is the star of her own narrative.
    - Jessica Williams
  • I had to get used to seeing Samantha Bee around. I had to get used to seeing Jon, like, getting a bagel, and to John Oliver, and all these people whom I had seen on TV. Colbert would sometimes drop by. I had to get used to being a part of this multiple-Emmy-winning machine and being this 22-year-old black girl who was really green.
    - Jessica Williams
  • People have their guard down when they're laughing, so they're open to tougher conversations they wouldn't necessarily have. If somebody is guarded while laughing, they're a weirdo.
    - Jessica Williams
  • I think people have a lot of layers. I know I do in particular.
    - Jessica Williams