Best quotes by Jesse Ventura on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Jesse Ventura on Knowledge

  • Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. A patriot shows their their patriotism through their actions, by their choice.
    - Jesse Ventura
  • You need to hunt something that can shoot back at you to really classify yourself as a hunter. You need to understand the feeling of what it's like to go into the field and know your opposition can take you out.
    - Jesse Ventura
  • I believe patriotism comes from the heart. Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief.
    - Jesse Ventura
  • Are you familiar with 9/11? Building 7? You know what was in there? All the Enron stuff. I guess that building went down on its own.
    - Jesse Ventura
  • If waterboarding's OK, why don't we let our police do it to suspects so we can learn what they know? We only seem to waterboard Muslims... Have we waterboarded anyone else?
    - Jesse Ventura
  • I have every right to know how my taxes are spent, how every single penny of it is spent. I have the right to know that.
    - Jesse Ventura