Best quotes by Jenna Johnson on Myself

Checkout quotes by Jenna Johnson on Myself

  • Life is a balance, and as much effort as I put into my fitness journey, I needed to put into my own mind journey, my brain is just as important, and loving myself is just as important as loving my body.
    - Jenna Johnson
  • I think the dance world is really hard, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to look a certain way, and so that was a battle that I had to figure out for myself.
    - Jenna Johnson
  • I was constantly comparing myself to others in my workplace, others in life, others on social media, and I was so focused on others that I fell out of touch with myself.
    - Jenna Johnson
  • I had a hard time admitting to myself that I was addicted to sweets. Once I finally realized that was my vice, I completely cut it out for 30 days to try and clean myself of all processed sugar. After that, I slowly incorporated moderate amounts of sugar into my everyday lifestyle.
    - Jenna Johnson
  • Working out early in the morning is a form of meditation for me. It's practically the only hour to myself and I get to shut off and just sweat it all out.
    - Jenna Johnson