Best quotes by Todd Howard on Technology

Checkout quotes by Todd Howard on Technology

  • I see games... as the ultimate combination of art and technology.
    - Todd Howard
  • For us, it's about having the game react to the player as much as possible. There's ways you can do that with technology, graphics, AI - we're doing some VR stuff right now - and so it's what we think is great about not just our games, but what's great about video games - how are they better than any other form of entertainment?
    - Todd Howard
  • I think streaming technology is definitely coming, and it's gonna make people's access to games infinitely easier. You've seen it happen to music and movies, and I think it's a great thing.
    - Todd Howard
  • The technology for radiant stories in 'Skyrim' is phenomenal. We tried and pared it back.
    - Todd Howard
  • Every year, there's a new idea we can't do and a new technology for something that excites us.
    - Todd Howard