Best quotes by Jean Anouilh on Life

Checkout quotes by Jean Anouilh on Life

  • Our entire life - consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Life is very nice, but it lacks form. It's the aim of art to give it some.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • There is love of course. And then there's life, its enemy.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Life has a way of setting things in order and leaving them be. Very tidy, is life.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • To say yes, you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows. It is easy to say no, even if saying no means death.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Some men like to make a little garden out of life and walk down a path.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Oh, love is real enough; you will find it someday, but it has one archenemy - and that is life.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Life is a wonderful thing to talk about, or to read about in history books - but it is terrible when one has to live it.
    - Jean Anouilh
  • Have you noticed that life, with murders and catastrophes and fabulous inheritances, happens almost exclusively in newspapers?
    - Jean Anouilh