Best quotes by Billy Tauzin on New

Checkout quotes by Billy Tauzin on New

  • Venice, Italy, survives 365 days out of every year in water; New Orleans can survive a few days of water if it has to.
    - Billy Tauzin
  • The question is what I wanted to do with the new life God has given me. This is the mission I want to take on.
    - Billy Tauzin
  • The immediate, highest priority need, in my humble opinion, is that we build quickly the interim structures that can channel water away from population and businesses in the New Orleans area.
    - Billy Tauzin
  • New Orleans has to learn to live with water rather than in fear of water, and we need a master plan that shows us how to do this. It's so critical that we send a signal to everyone in the country that we're serious about rebuilding New Orleans.
    - Billy Tauzin
  • Invite the best and brightest to compete for a grand prize to come up with designs, including new zoning, building codes and so forth, for New Orleans that could make it safe from water, and let the state and city pick the plan that works best for Louisiana.
    - Billy Tauzin
  • And if citizens of New Orleans who are really contemplating coming back heard that we're really intent upon making the place secure again - regardless of whether the levees held or not - then I think a rebuilding process would really take shape.
    - Billy Tauzin