Best quotes by Jan Hus on Life

Checkout quotes by Jan Hus on Life

  • I, Master John Hus, in chains and in prison, now standing on the shore of this present life and expecting on the morrow a dreadful death, which will, I hope, purge away my sins, find no heresy in myself, and accept with all my heart any truth whatsoever that is worthy of belief.
    - Jan Hus
  • He that fears death loses the joys of life.
    - Jan Hus
  • In life eternal, there is perfect joy and light, without pain or torture, and there is communion with God Himself and His angels.
    - Jan Hus
  • I entreat masters to live a good life and faithfully to instruct their scholars, especially that they may love God and learn to give themselves to knowledge, in order to promote His honour, the welfare of the state, and their own salvation, but not for the sake of avarice or the praise of man.
    - Jan Hus
  • A precept or command is a general teaching of God, obligating every man under pain of mortal sin - namely, in cases in which he has fallen away from the command. Hence, the saints who for a period of their life lived hypocritically sinned mortally for that period. So also the damned, by persistent false living, sin persistently in Hell.
    - Jan Hus