Best quotes by Jamie Vardy on Me

Checkout quotes by Jamie Vardy on Me

  • A friend got attacked outside a nightclub just for being deaf. I stuck up for him but ended up getting in a bit of a trouble myself. I played with a tag at Stocksbridge. I had a little curfew. Luckily, it didn't stop me playing football. Being put on a tag, I could have lost playing football again.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • My diet is not unorthodox. I just eat like anyone else - that's just how I am. Everyone is different. It is just my metabolism that keeps me this slim.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • The word 'racist' is a permanent stain against my name. It's worse than a criminal record. Some people will never forgive me. Others will accept I made a terrible mistake and recognise I have learnt from it. It's on YouTube when my kids type in their dad's name, and it comes up 'Jamie Vardy racist'. On Google, too. It's horrible.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • Obviously, when you're doing fitness work at a club all week and every week, it's all about specific drills for what you need to do on the pitch. So I'd be doing a different drill to the centre-midfielders. It's all specifically tailored for me. For example, my drills are high speed. It's all about trying to break the line with a sharp sprint.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • If I go in the gym, it will slow me down. I don't go in for weights or anything like that. Each and every person is different, and this is my way, and I'm sure if someone else tried doing what I do, then it probably wouldn't work for them.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • There is only one thing I want to do here, and that is play football to the best of my ability. If I let things start distracting me, I'm not going to be able to do that, which will jeopardise the team as well.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • I am so proud of what I've achieved personally, but without the lads around me, nothing would have been possible.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • People keep asking me if I'm watching our rivals' games in the Premier League, but I'm usually on my PlayStation. If I had been watching, it would have been on an illegal stream, so I don't even know why they are asking me.
    - Jamie Vardy
  • Just as I am working hard to adjust to a new level, someone comes along and asks me to move up again. I'm not complaining about it; I just get on with trying to make sure I don't let anyone down. Training with England is just a different gravy again. Movement-wise, finishing-wise, you can learn such a lot from watching the very best in action.
    - Jamie Vardy