Best quotes by James Levine on Men

Checkout quotes by James Levine on Men

  • And, over the last thirty years we have seen men's participation in both housework and childcare has increased and women's have stayed at about the same.
    - James Levine
  • We found that when people put this issue on the table, it turns out that men acknowledge the issue, and employers and employees can work out solutions just as working mothers do.
    - James Levine
  • What's interesting is that both men and women are struggling with this issue in remarkably similar percentages, but the big difference is that women tend to talk about this when men keep it silent.
    - James Levine
  • My hunch is that probably men are doing more both outside the home and inside the home.
    - James Levine
  • The invisible dilemma is that men face the very real problem that they don't feel comfortable bringing these issues up and they tend not to be acknowledged at work.
    - James Levine