Best quotes by James Cameron on Me

Checkout quotes by James Cameron on Me

  • I've tried not to get sucked into the Hollywood hierarchy system. Personally, I don't like it when people are deferential to me because I'm an established filmmaker. It's a blue-collar sensibility.
    - James Cameron
  • I had read tons of science fiction. I was fascinated by other worlds, other environments. For me, it was fantasy, but it was not fantasy in the sense of pure escapism.
    - James Cameron
  • People call me a perfectionist, but I'm not. I'm a rightist. I do something until it's right, and then I move on to the next thing.
    - James Cameron
  • It took me a long time to realize that you have to have a bit of an interlanguage with actors. You have to give them something that they can act with.
    - James Cameron
  • The films that influenced me were so disparate that there's almost no pattern.
    - James Cameron
  • I try to live with honor, even if it costs me millions of dollars and takes a long time. It's very unusual in Hollywood. Few people are trustworthy - a handshake means nothing to them. They feel they're required to keep an agreement with you only if you're successful or they need you.
    - James Cameron
  • The Jacques Cousteau shows actually got me very excited about the fact that there's an alien world here on Earth.
    - James Cameron
  • Writing a screenplay, for me, is like juggling. It's like, how many balls can you get in the air at once? All those ideas have to float out there to a certain point, and then they'll crystallize into a pattern.
    - James Cameron