Best quotes by Jack Thorne on People

Checkout quotes by Jack Thorne on People

  • I think London is a bit sad, and I find it a bit overwhelming. There's a lot of quite unhappy people, and it's very goal-driven.
    - Jack Thorne
  • When you write a script, you hope that people will give it life beyond the script.
    - Jack Thorne
  • I tended to be the nerdy kid - stood at the back, watching other people having fun - I wasn't always necessarily a big part of the fun myself.
    - Jack Thorne
  • They're odd beasts, musicals, but what I like about them is the way they allow windows into people's lives. When people sing, you get an opportunity to see a vulnerability, a glimpse of a life in a messed-up head.
    - Jack Thorne
  • I find small talk exhausting, and I don't like myself when I'm around people.
    - Jack Thorne
  • It's not that I don't like other people - I do. I just don't like me.
    - Jack Thorne