Best quotes by Jacinda Ardern on New

Checkout quotes by Jacinda Ardern on New

  • We've had a debate about immigration in New Zealand for some time. Now what we're trying to champion in that conversation is a recognition that New Zealand has been built off immigration. I myself am a third-generation New Zealander.
    - Jacinda Ardern
  • We will work hard to ensure New Zealand is once again a world leader, a country we can all be proud of. We said we could do this; we will do this.
    - Jacinda Ardern
  • At a personal level, it's just the day-to-day: I'm a mum that needs to meet all of the responsibilities that come with being a mum, making sure that Neve has the basics, that she's fed, that she's loved, that she sleeps as much as we're able to get her to sleep, and we will do that together. That's a practical reality of my new role.
    - Jacinda Ardern
  • I credit the women who came before me and credit New Zealanders for welcoming me having a child... positivity outweighed negativity. I'm proud of the nation.
    - Jacinda Ardern
  • From a personal perspective, I am so looking forward to my new role as a parent. But I am equally focused on my job and responsibilities as prime minister.
    - Jacinda Ardern