Best quotes by Brandon Stanton on New

Checkout quotes by Brandon Stanton on New

  • 'Humans of New York' did not result from a flash on inspiration. It grew from five years of experimenting, tinkering, and messing up.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I struck upon this kind of crazy idea that I was going to go to New York and stop 10,000 people on the streets and take their portrait and create kind of a photographic census of the city.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • The interviews have gotten much longer with 'Humans of New York.' When I was first starting, I was just photographing people. And then I went to just kind of including a quote or two. Now when I'm approaching somebody on the street, I'm spending about 30 to 45 minutes with them often.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • Each time I arrived in a new city, I'd get lost in the streets and photograph everything that looked interesting, taking nearly a thousand photographs every day. After each day of shooting, I'd select 30 or 40 of my favorite photographs and post them on Facebook. I named the albums after my first impression of each city.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • Whenever you get a large body of work like 'Humans of New York,' a natural pathway becomes to put it between two covers. I wanted this to be a very nice keepsake. A lot of work went into it, and a lot of fans are attached to it.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • When I meet somebody in the street who knows about 'Humans of New York,' a lot of times they might have a scripted answer, and that scripted answer is the first thing to come out of their mouth.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I am interviewing people with a spirit of genuine interest and compassion, and therefore, the general tone of the site is one of genuine interest and compassion. The moment that culture changes, 'Humans of New York' is no longer viable.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • 'Humans of New York' wasn't the result of a fully finished idea that I thought of and then executed; it was an evolution. There were hundreds of tiny evolutions that came from me loving photography.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I've taken pictures in at least 14 countries, and nowhere have people told me 'no' more than New York City.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • New York has the biggest, most eclectic collection of people in the world.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I didn't actually begin photographing, or even visit New York, for the first time until I was 26.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I've done commercial work for Amtrak. However, that was branded as Stanton. I stipulated at the very beginning that it was not going to involve 'Humans of New York,' that I wasn't going to promote it on 'Humans of New York.' So nobody who follows me really even knows that I did it.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • When I first started 'Humans of New York,' I was writing short stories. There were about 50 of them. And, you know, they were a great part of the site, but the photography just started growing so fast that I didn't have time to make them anymore.
    - Brandon Stanton
  • I've got 50,000 Facebook fans inside of Iran, and Facebook is banned in Iran. I think the people who follow 'Humans of New York' the most after New York City is Tehran. I have a really special affection for the Persian people because they've really taken to my work.
    - Brandon Stanton