Best quotes by J. J. Cale on People

Checkout quotes by J. J. Cale on People

  • People said my records were 'funky' and 'muddy,' but the truth is they were just demos.
    - J. J. Cale
  • People have heard my music, but all my famous songs were made famous by somebody else... But that was my goal.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I'm an electronic manipulator. Most people think J.J. Cale, he's organic. There ain't nothing organic about me.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I'd do the blues all the time if I could, that's what I'm into. But people just don't like to hear it.
    - J. J. Cale
  • People are familiar with my songs, especially through Eric Clapton. But I have a hard time drawing a crowd, because I have been a songwriter.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I always wrote for musicians, especially guitarists. I write songs that people who aren't great virtuosos can play.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I sing and play guitar, but songwriting is how I pay my rent. And so I didn't really need a lot of publicity to get people to record the songs.
    - J. J. Cale
  • I tried to play anything people would hire me to play, because I was a musician.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Clapton was just picking up ideas. He picked up some of mine like I picked up some from the people before me.
    - J. J. Cale
  • Probably the only thing that I really don't like about being an old guy is so many of the people who understand what we know are gone.
    - J. J. Cale