Best quotes by Isabella Lovin on Women

Checkout quotes by Isabella Lovin on Women

  • Sweden's development is based on the equal rights of men and women. We know that investments in gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights pay off.
    - Isabella Lovin
  • I am proud to represent the first explicitly feminist government in the world, and one that has been at the forefront of advocating for greater attention to women, peace, and security.
    - Isabella Lovin
  • It should be self-evident that women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Yet throughout history, those in power - usually men - have tried to control women's bodies.
    - Isabella Lovin
  • President Donald Trump's decision to ban American aid to all organisations that in any way advocate women's right to abortions is very unfortunate. All experience shows that this kind of decision does not reduce the number of abortions; rather, it forces girls and women to revert to life-threatening procedures.
    - Isabella Lovin
  • The world need strong leadership for women's rights.
    - Isabella Lovin