Best quotes by Helena Blavatsky on Universe

Checkout quotes by Helena Blavatsky on Universe

  • Everything in the Universe, throughout all its kingdoms, is conscious: i.e., endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.
    - Helena Blavatsky
  • Yet, the Universe is real enough to the conscious beings in it, which are as unreal as it is itself.
    - Helena Blavatsky
  • The Universe is the periodical manifestation of this unknown Absolute Essence.
    - Helena Blavatsky
  • As no outward motion or change, when normal, in man's external body can take place unless provoked by an inward impulse, given through one of the three functions named, so with the external or manifested Universe.
    - Helena Blavatsky
  • The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.
    - Helena Blavatsky