Best quotes by Anne Sweeney on People

Checkout quotes by Anne Sweeney on People

  • To have influence, you really don't need to have power. But what you need more than anything else is to have that almost uncanny understanding of what matters to people.
    - Anne Sweeney
  • Too many times, adults walk into situations, and people have already put them in a box: 'Oh, you write comedy.' Or, 'You're the development woman.' And it's not just our profession. It's hard to look at someone and say, 'What else is inside?'
    - Anne Sweeney
  • The value of the television network is partly tradition, serving as a navigation device and as a brand. Research shows that people do know and understand ABC as a brand, like Disney.
    - Anne Sweeney
  • I see a lot of women of every age trying to be something else. I see them trying to imitate behaviors that they think belong to successful people.
    - Anne Sweeney
  • The more opportunities people have to experience television on different platforms, the more television they consume overall. So there actually has been a benefit, but the ratings have gone down. But we've seen kind of the horizontal benefit of this. And it remains a great, great promotion engine.
    - Anne Sweeney