Best quotes by Heather Brooke on People

Checkout quotes by Heather Brooke on People

  • Leaks are not the problem; they are the symptom. They reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know. The greater the secrecy, the more likely a leak.
    - Heather Brooke
  • The monarchy is a part of the state. It exists to serve the people.
    - Heather Brooke
  • There's not a self-regulating group of nice fair-playing people in politics. There are a lot of dodgy people in politics.
    - Heather Brooke
  • The biggest abuses in society happen when people are not able to communicate and not able to connect.
    - Heather Brooke
  • There are corporate private investigators, companies doing very forensic background checks on people. They buy data, they get their own data... They don't want their industry publicised.
    - Heather Brooke
  • People are used to getting a lot of information quickly, and they're used to being quite empowered as consumers, and they go to governments expecting a similar treatment; they want to find data and they want to influence events quickly, and yet they come into this brick wall.
    - Heather Brooke
  • Newspapers are not free and they never have been. They can appear to be so, but someone, somewhere is covering the costs whether that is through advertising, a patron's largesse or a license fee. Advertising is no longer subsidising the industry and so the cost must fall somewhere - why not on the people who use it?
    - Heather Brooke
  • When I came to Britain I was in awe of the British press, afraid of them. But they're not as ferocious as people think. In some instances they are, but when it comes to taking on power they're really deferential.
    - Heather Brooke
  • There's a temptation not to vote at all as a protest, but it's definitely not a protest. In fact, all it does is keep the people in power in power, and I don't think they should be.
    - Heather Brooke
  • A lot of people have a lot to gain from peddling scare stories about cyber 'warfare.'
    - Heather Brooke
  • In whose interest is it to hype up the collapse of the Internet from a DDoS attack? Why, the people who provide cyber security services, of course.
    - Heather Brooke
  • A generation of people are being radicalised by the criminalisation of information sharing.
    - Heather Brooke