Best quotes by Haley Joel Osment on Dad

Checkout quotes by Haley Joel Osment on Dad

  • The best advice my dad ever gave me is that acting is believing. Acting is not acting. It isn't putting on a face and dancing around in a mask. It's believing that you are that character and playing him as if it were a normal day in the life of that character.
    - Haley Joel Osment
  • My dad never told me that when you audition, you might not get the role. He wanted to wait until my first disappointment to tell me.
    - Haley Joel Osment
  • With my dad coming from a theatre tradition, there was a lot of preparation before auditions. Not just in terms of saying the lines correctly but a process of entering into what it was all about.
    - Haley Joel Osment
  • With 'The Sixth Sense,' my dad and I discussed how this was not so much a horror story as a story about communication. I understudied with my dad, in a sense. It made a huge difference.
    - Haley Joel Osment
  • My parents are from the South - they were both born in Birmingham - so my dad saw R.E.M. really early on when they were playing college stuff in Athens. He had a bunch of their cassettes from the '80s, and when I was 8, 9, or 10, those were the sort of things that were around the cassette player in the living room.
    - Haley Joel Osment