Best quotes by Guy Ryder on Work

Checkout quotes by Guy Ryder on Work

  • Expanding access to decent work opportunities is the most effective way to increase labor-market participation, lift people out of poverty, reduce inequality, and drive economic growth. It should be at the center of policymaking. The alternative is a dog-eat-dog world in which too many will feel left out.
    - Guy Ryder
  • Placing decent work and social justice at the core of policymaking is simply a recognition of the obvious: none of us can build a better future for ourselves unless we include others.
    - Guy Ryder
  • It's not going to be technology. It's not going to be globalization. It's going to be policy decisions and policy settings that will form the future of work.
    - Guy Ryder
  • Look at the experience of 2008. Who are the countries who negotiated the storms of 2008 best? They were the countries which were able to sit business with labor at the table, with government, and work out a way of getting through the storm. And I don't think that is a controversial statement.
    - Guy Ryder
  • Family-supportive policies, which enable women to remain and progress in paid employment and encourage men to take their fair share of care work, are crucial to achieving gender equality at work.
    - Guy Ryder