Best quotes by GRiZ on Myself

Checkout quotes by GRiZ on Myself

  • There was so much pressure to fit in, I tried to force myself to be like everyone else. The last thing any teen wants is to be 'uncool.'
    - GRiZ
  • My whole thing, to keep myself interested - and, you know, I'm a huge hip-hop head - I have tons and tons of a cappellas. So I do these live remix mash-ups with my tracks and just throw them in there.
    - GRiZ
  • Everyone wants to grow, but I'm not trying to reinvent myself anytime soon.
    - GRiZ
  • I feel like music is sort of therapy for myself.
    - GRiZ
  • 'Say It Loud' came from many, many small battles. From, 'I hate myself, and I hate this,' to, 'I love this, and it's my favorite thing...' to, 'This is the best thing in existence.'
    - GRiZ