Best quotes by Tinashe on Music

Checkout quotes by Tinashe on Music

  • I love fashion. For me, it's always interesting because I like to be able to mix up different styles and different brands, kind of like how my music taste or personality is. There's lots of influences.
    - Tinashe
  • I feel like, at the end of the day, I always would try to make music that I wanted to listen to: stuff that I liked and wanted to hear.
    - Tinashe
  • The earliest you can play Christmas music is on Thanksgiving.
    - Tinashe
  • I think, in general, more women need to be involved in music and in the industry - that's been an issue.
    - Tinashe
  • I love to act and put on a show, but you're playing a character all the time. For music, it's really just me being myself.
    - Tinashe
  • I was in a competing company and have been dancing since I was four - ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop - so it's a huge part of my life and my music.
    - Tinashe
  • My music is a direct reflection of the eclectic person I am. I don't like to be stuck in an R&B box.
    - Tinashe
  • The priority for me is just to make music that people can connect with. I want to make something fresh that people may not understand.
    - Tinashe
  • To break R&B into subcategories does a disservice to the music. I like to live in a zone where I can do whatever I want, where I don't have to worry about genre.
    - Tinashe
  • Dance has always just been an extension of music for me. It's about putting my music into motion. It's just another dimension that I tap into with my music that not many artists do anymore.
    - Tinashe
  • There was never really a Plan B for me - I always wanted to be a music artist.
    - Tinashe