Best quotes by Grant Shapps on People

Checkout quotes by Grant Shapps on People

  • It's impossible to know precisely what constitutes the right house price but I do know that house prices doubling or even tripling over a 10 year period caused a lot of people to find that getting a foot on the housing ladder is near on impossible.
    - Grant Shapps
  • There should be a way of saying to people 'thank you very much, it has not worked out but here is a good decent package for you to move on from this role and we will support you to move on into other jobs, so it is not a hire and fire thing'; and those are the sorts of changes that Conservatives would like to see.
    - Grant Shapps
  • Most people don't get the chance to do whatever their dream in life was. I have ended up doing exactly what I wanted to do and it has been more enjoyable, challenging, stretching and fulfilling than I would have dared to imagine.
    - Grant Shapps
  • Representing the people of Welwyn Garden City makes me intensely proud.
    - Grant Shapps
  • An astonishing disengagement from reality is necessary to actually believe there is something sinister about protecting people's homes from invasion through squatting.
    - Grant Shapps
  • None of us want to live in a society where people are forced to sleep in shop doorways, on park benches or in dangerous, run-down buildings.
    - Grant Shapps
  • Labour have long since forgotten that people work hard to pay their taxes and support our welfare system.
    - Grant Shapps
  • We need to make sure that people are progressively better off in work than they would be on welfare.
    - Grant Shapps
  • Labour voted to increase welfare spending again and again, without considering the effect that the spending was having, either on the people it was designed to help or those working to support the system.
    - Grant Shapps