Best quotes by Grace Slick on Me

Checkout quotes by Grace Slick on Me

  • You either evolve or you don't. I don't like old people on a rock n' roll stage. I think they look pathetic, me included. And the fact that I represent an era means I can't just go out there and do all new stuff. They would all say, 'Sing 'White Rabbit,' and I'd say no? That's rude.
    - Grace Slick
  • In school, I learned about artists and how they were free to express themselves. I was allergic to conformity, and the lifestyle attracted me. I wanted to express myself in a way that slammed people up against the wall.
    - Grace Slick
  • I don't want to see old people doing rap or rock and roll. It makes me cringe.
    - Grace Slick
  • My parents were very open about what kind of talent I had. They never pushed me to become an accountant because they knew that would be just absolutely ridiculous. So they were encouraging in what I am able to do with some success.
    - Grace Slick
  • Starship was a whole different thing. It was pop rock. It made more money and had more hit songs than Airplane. There was no cultural or social ethic behind it. For me, it was like selling out. I was the only one selling out. The rest enjoyed doing what they were doing.
    - Grace Slick
  • If you were to say to me that I couldn't paint, I would write. If I couldn't write, I would be a set designer. As long as I'm creating something, I'm happy.
    - Grace Slick
  • Too many people try to please their parents. My parents were Republicans, which is too bad, but they allowed me to be who I wanted to be.
    - Grace Slick
  • The main point for me is moral; animals are sentient beings. I know for some this is a hard argument to accept, but we're not built to eat a lot of meat.
    - Grace Slick
  • I didn't want to write a book. They made me do it.
    - Grace Slick
  • I collect stuffed animals, and toy stores make me happy.
    - Grace Slick
  • God is all over the place. And even if He isn't, if it makes me feel good, why not?
    - Grace Slick
  • Applause is interesting, but I'm a monster with or without it. Something is either well written or it isn't. 'White Rabbit' is not well written, and no amount of applause or royalties can convince me it is. I could have done a better job with those lyrics. They didn't say what I wanted.
    - Grace Slick