Best quotes by Rufus Sewell on Me

Checkout quotes by Rufus Sewell on Me

  • It's nice when women fancy me, but I think I will only disappoint them so I prefer it if they don't know who I am.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • It's important to me to be in a relationship when I'm in one, but I'm not someone who needs to be in a relationship.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • People talk about me in 'Arcadia' and I think I was okay in it but I've given better performances in other productions that didn't have the same impact. But I knew 'Arcadia' was going to be an event and I wanted to be part of it.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I was a very undisciplined person but acting was something that actually motivated me to get up in the morning. I hadn't experienced that before, but it was something that really excited me. I think I could be quite self-conscious and it gave me a release.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I think the only thing I've got going for me as an actor specifically is the fact that I can change.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I was very frustrated, in a physical sense, by people seeing me in a way that I wasn't. And I was beginning to find myself boxed into a corner. Hopefully things have loosed up a bit, and I've gotten better and become more relaxed as an actor.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • For me, if I were to be at home in any kind of style, it is more comedy than anything else.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • I'd like an omelet named after me.
    - Rufus Sewell
  • Of course, I want to look good, as that helped me get jobs. But it didn't get me the jobs I wanted and it held me back.
    - Rufus Sewell