Best quotes by Gina Carano on Fighting

Checkout quotes by Gina Carano on Fighting

  • I like fighting because it's honest.
    - Gina Carano
  • I don't get paid what people think I get paid for fighting.
    - Gina Carano
  • I've had cameras on me since I started the art of fighting and I think that I'm used to having cameras on me in adrenaline-type situations.
    - Gina Carano
  • Fighting is very physical and extreme and you're very vulnerable. It's a very mental type of thing.
    - Gina Carano
  • I think I came up in fighting in a really technical way. If you've ever seen my fights, you know I love distance, I love technique.
    - Gina Carano
  • Of course, fighting is not going to be as graceful as movie fighting. I don't like it to be ugly and I don't like it to be one big brawl or people clobbering each other.
    - Gina Carano