Best quotes by Fred Saberhagen on Time

Checkout quotes by Fred Saberhagen on Time

  • And what we know, or think we know, about the universe of space and time is changing very quickly.
    - Fred Saberhagen
  • I wouldn't like to just do one story or one type of stories all the time.
    - Fred Saberhagen
  • I finally decided one day, reading science fiction magazines of the time, I could do at least as well as some of these people are doing. So I finally made a serious effort.
    - Fred Saberhagen
  • My gut feeling is that paper and ink are going to be with us for a long time yet, and in substantial quantities, though certainly books are now going to be available in other forms.
    - Fred Saberhagen
  • I doubt I'll ever do another book collaboration; I've been spoiled. Roger and I both happened to move to New Mexico at about the same time, when we each had a family of young kids to raise. Socializing seemed to lead naturally to working together.
    - Fred Saberhagen
  • The comments I most appreciate come from ordinary readers who've happened on one of my books at some time of stress in their lives, and who actually credit the book with helping them through a bad time. It's happened a few times in forty years.
    - Fred Saberhagen