Best quotes by Frances Beinecke on Power

Checkout quotes by Frances Beinecke on Power

  • In the end, the market will decide which is the better performer: dirty coal-fired power or clean wind and solar. Market-based competition. That doesn't sound like communism to me.
    - Frances Beinecke
  • Instead of hazarding our future on the dirty fuels of the past, let's invest in clean power that can drive this country forward. Let's cut energy waste, make our economy the world's most efficient, and give our workers a leg up in the global marketplace.
    - Frances Beinecke
  • We can power our economy without despoiling our wild places.
    - Frances Beinecke
  • Whether it is salt farmers in India embracing solar power or wind companies creating tens of thousands of jobs in America, people are providing a vision for the clean energy future.
    - Frances Beinecke
  • Climate change deniers would have us believe that oil, gas, and coal are the only ways to power a modern, industrialized society. They are wrong, and the proof is all around us.
    - Frances Beinecke
  • We'll always need energy. We need to communicate, too, but we're not stuck with hand gestures and smoke signals. There are better ways to power our future than by digging fossil fuel from the ground and setting it on fire.
    - Frances Beinecke