Best quotes by Eve Ensler on Women

Checkout quotes by Eve Ensler on Women

  • Well, the tyranny of masculinity and the tyranny of patriarchy I think has been much more deadly to men than it has to women. It hasn't killed our hearts. It's killed men's hearts. It's silenced them; it's cut them off.
    - Eve Ensler
  • When you destroy a population, once femicide happens, we're going to see the end of humanity, because I don't know how you sustain a future without vitalised women.
    - Eve Ensler
  • I think violence against women in America has become ordinary - it's been made absolutely acceptable.
    - Eve Ensler
  • Unless men are active allies, we'll never end violence against women and girls.
    - Eve Ensler
  • I think all my work's been about how do women get back into our bodies; how do men get back. We're all disassociated.
    - Eve Ensler
  • Why are women immobile? Because so many feel like they're waiting for someone to say, 'You're good, you're pretty, I give you permission.'
    - Eve Ensler
  • One of the most radical things women can do is to love their body.
    - Eve Ensler
  • I really want to help stop violence toward women.
    - Eve Ensler
  • When you listen to other women's stories you begin to understand your own better and you begin to find ways back through and with each other.
    - Eve Ensler
  • For many years now, I feel like my own body struggle has been linked and connected with women I meet in the world. I think we're in this together.
    - Eve Ensler