Best quotes by Ernest Cline on Movies

Checkout quotes by Ernest Cline on Movies

  • For the whole history of cinema, we've been experiencing movies and television through a two-dimensional, letterboxed window. But once you can start programming entertainment for all the different senses, it becomes a wholly different medium.
    - Ernest Cline
  • I notice when I'm at a party where I don't know anybody - even if I have nothing in common with somebody - we can still talk because we were raised by the same TV and cartoons and movies.
    - Ernest Cline
  • I don't know if the '80s were unique, but we certainly got original, groundbreaking stuff at the time with movies like 'Back to the Future' and 'Star Wars' - movies that became classics.
    - Ernest Cline
  • When you're hanging out with your friends, you reference books and movies, and you don't always know if your friends know what you're referencing. But you throw it out there, and if it connects, it makes people laugh.
    - Ernest Cline
  • I love stories like 'The Terminator' movies and 'The Matrix,' where our machines become self-aware and turn on us.
    - Ernest Cline