Best quotes by Erin Brockovich on Me

Checkout quotes by Erin Brockovich on Me

  • I don't feel the need to defend myself anymore - I am a woman. I feel differently and I think differently than a man. If you're going to bully me or laugh at me because something makes me emotional - you go right ahead because that's what makes me a woman, and I don't want to be anything but that.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • I have never moved away from my mainstay - trying to address all the environmental issues that come to me. I consult with law firms in the U.S., Australia, the U.K., Italy, Greece, and India to begin to address environmental disasters. I do motivational speaking.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • For me, being green means cleaning up the water. Water is the key. Start with water. You can't ignore the fact that that nearly 80% of US waterways are potentially poisoned - benzene, solvents, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • I still describe myself as the activist with cleavage. Breast implants made me feel a lot sexier.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • The movie had a much bigger impact on me than I ever thought that it did.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • Preemption is not about the Essure women - it affects all consumers. If someone had a medical device installed, there's no recourse for victims, and the company is protected. If there's a problem, the company gets a pass because they have preemption. It dawned on me the consumer didn't know. The women didn't know that this existed.
    - Erin Brockovich
  • It's not just Porter Ranch. There's communities like Chatsworth. There's communities like Northridge. There's communities like Granada Hills - and a lot of them are writing to me.
    - Erin Brockovich