Best quotes by Enda Kenny on Country

Checkout quotes by Enda Kenny on Country

  • Respectability in this country was a bad word because people did things who were in respected professions that let down the entire nation, and we're washing away their sins yet.
    - Enda Kenny
  • If people want to follow an illusion that you don't have to pay your way, you don't have to measure up, then there are serious consequences for any country.
    - Enda Kenny
  • You see, in government, people give you a mandate, and you've got to fulfil that. Ours is very clear. Fix our public finances and get our country working.
    - Enda Kenny
  • My job is to rectify the public finances and hand the country back to the people so they can really have a future, and that is what I will do.
    - Enda Kenny
  • Ireland cannot become the collector general for the world. We can only tax on profits generated in the country here.
    - Enda Kenny
  • If you were to do it again, you'd probably do some things differently. But the decision is right to have a single entity manage the water and the waste water for a country.
    - Enda Kenny
  • In Ireland here, the Revenue Commission have always been completely independent of the state since 1923, and they are quite adamant and quite clear that there was no preferential treatment and no special deals, no sweetheart deals, and that Apple paid the taxes that were due on their profits generated here in this country.
    - Enda Kenny