Best quotes by Emily Chang on Women

Checkout quotes by Emily Chang on Women

  • I still ask myself the same questions every woman asks. Was it my fault? Did I say or do something to make him feel like such an advance was welcome? And like most women, I never told anyone. Instead, I just quit.
    - Emily Chang
  • There is an often-told story that Silicon Valley is filled with women looking to cash in by marrying wealthy tech moguls. Whether there really is a significant number of such women is debatable.
    - Emily Chang
  • Every time I sit down with a powerful working mom, I wrestle with whether to ask the 'mom question.' I don't want to be part of perpetuating a double standard by asking women in business a question that men are not asked.
    - Emily Chang
  • Padmasree Warrior has been on all the lists. The most powerful women in tech. The most powerful women in the world.
    - Emily Chang
  • The #metoo campaign picked up speed after the actress Alyssa Milano suggested that if every woman simply typed 'me too' on their platform of choice, they might give the world a true sense of the magnitude of the problem. The hope is that safety in numbers might minimize the shame many women feel in admitting that this has happened to them.
    - Emily Chang
  • The #metoo campaign opened a particular window into the gender dynamics in technology, with many prominent women speaking out.
    - Emily Chang