Best quotes by Edward Hirsch on Life

Checkout quotes by Edward Hirsch on Life

  • Life has to have the plenitude of art.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • I'm a poet, and I spent my life in poetry.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • I'm a poet, and I spent my life in poetry.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • I think ancient cultures incorporated death into the experience of life in a more natural way than we have done. In our obsessive focus on youth, on celebrity, our denial of death makes it harder for people who are grieving to find a place for that grief.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • You're trying to write about something that's sacred. You're trying to bring the seriousness of life and death to it, and you're trying to find a way to dramatize it, and you're trying to give language to it, which is inadequate. But it's important to try.
    - Edward Hirsch
  • Each book should be an entity unto itself, with its own structure, character, life, name.
    - Edward Hirsch