Best quotes by Ed Davey on World

Checkout quotes by Ed Davey on World

  • From Nato to the U.N. and the E.U., the generation that lived through the first half of the 20th century knew they needed to create a new world order. An order with rules and institutions which, however imperfect, could act both as constraints on individual countries going rogue and as catalysts for co-operation for mutual benefit.
    - Ed Davey
  • We want the NHS to be able to recruit the doctors and nurses it needs. And we want British businesses to be free to hire the best workers from anywhere in the world.
    - Ed Davey
  • In both world wars, Britain understood that our national sovereignty could only endure if we cooperated with other nations. That our fate is inexorably bound with that of our neighbours.
    - Ed Davey
  • Climate change is hugely threatening to our way of life, in the U.K., Europe and the world.
    - Ed Davey
  • One of the most exciting opportunities created by renewable energy technologies like solar is the ability to help the world's poorest develop faster - but more sustainably too.
    - Ed Davey