Best quotes by Duncan Jones on Science

Checkout quotes by Duncan Jones on Science

  • I played lots of games, and I was a fan of gaming, so I was always looking for new games. I was also a science fiction and fantasy fan, growing up, in games and books and movies.
    - Duncan Jones
  • Sometimes you see films, not just science fiction films, where you get the sense that if the camera were to pan just to the left or the right, all of a sudden you'd be seeing light stands and crew standing around. But with 'Blade Runner,' the beauty of it is that it felt like a real, breathing city.
    - Duncan Jones
  • I'm a bit of a geek, actually. So I always wanted my first film to be science fiction.
    - Duncan Jones
  • The beauty of science fiction is that it takes the audience's guard down; they're much more willing to open themselves up and allow themselves to be questioned and have their values questioned when they don't think we're talking about their world or them and what they're used to.
    - Duncan Jones
  • It seems like the reason that I miss the science fiction from the late '70s and '80s is that at that period, they really were doing interesting, introspective human stories that just happened to take place in science fiction settings.
    - Duncan Jones