Best quotes by Bayard Taylor on World

Checkout quotes by Bayard Taylor on World

  • Although Damascus is considered the oldest city in the world, the date of its foundation going beyond tradition, there are very few relics of antiquity in or near it.
    - Bayard Taylor
  • An enthusiastic desire of visiting the Old World haunted me from early childhood. I cherished a presentiment, amounting almost to belief, that I should one day behold the scenes, among which my fancy had so long wandered.
    - Bayard Taylor
  • I came to Berlin not to visit its museums and galleries, its operas, its theaters... but for the sake of seeing and speaking with the world's greatest living man - Alexander von Humboldt.
    - Bayard Taylor
  • True, when you behold Damascus from the Salahiyeh, the last slope of the Anti-Lebanon, it is the realization of all that you have dreamed of Oriental splendor; the world has no picture more dazzling. It is Beauty carried to the Sublime, as I have felt when overlooking some boundless forest of palms within the tropics.
    - Bayard Taylor
  • London has the advantage of one of the most gloomy atmospheres in the world.
    - Bayard Taylor
  • The more I see of the Swedes, the more I am convinced that there is no kinder, simpler, and honester people in the world.
    - Bayard Taylor