Best quotes by Diego Della Valle on Time

Checkout quotes by Diego Della Valle on Time

  • Almost everyone wears rubber on their feet these days, but there was a time when it was considered cheap. Luxury shoes had leather soles, which were rigid and heavy.
    - Diego Della Valle
  • On weekends, the U.S. was casual; in Italy the weekend was very formal. I came to understand that weekends are about free time, and that one could wear high quality, tasteful products that weren't so formal.
    - Diego Della Valle
  • The idea behind our shoes is simple: they are as light as possible, very soft and made from the finest leather we can buy. We try to make a combination of something that looks fantastic and is at the same time fantastically comfortable. This is the type of luxury people want to buy now, things that they can use every day.
    - Diego Della Valle
  • There is a time to be chic and sportive, there is a time to be sexy and feminine, but it's hard to find the balance, and Tod's has done that.
    - Diego Della Valle
  • I remember seeing the Colosseum for the first time when I was a young boy. It left a lasting impression on me.
    - Diego Della Valle
  • I bought into Saks as a personal investment because, when I was a young man and went to America for the first time, it seemed to me that Saks was like a cathedral of retail. I never dreamt that I could one day be a part of it. And now I am.
    - Diego Della Valle