Best quotes by Davy Crockett on Man

Checkout quotes by Davy Crockett on Man

  • I would rather be beaten, and be a man, than to be elected and be a little puppy dog.
    - Davy Crockett
  • Whenever I had anything and saw a fellow being suffering, I was more anxious to relieve him than to benefit myself. And this is one of the true secrets of my being a poor man to this day.
    - Davy Crockett
  • No man who has not tried it can imagine what dreadful hard work it is to listen. Splitting gum logs in the dog days is child's play to it. I've tried both, and give the preference to the gum logs.
    - Davy Crockett
  • If one man in the country could take all the money, what was the use of passing any bills about it?
    - Davy Crockett
  • I now say that the oldest man living never heard of the president of a great nation to come down to open electioneering for his successor. It is treating the nation as if it was the property of a single individual, and he had the right to bequeath it to whom he pleased - the same as a patch of land for which he had the patent.
    - Davy Crockett