Best quotes by Danielle de Niese on Me

Checkout quotes by Danielle de Niese on Me

  • What I see as specially English is the charm - everyone is so polite. Being restrained is part of the charm. And I love the sense of humour - it takes me back to Australia. The English are great at making fun of themselves. They're so self-effacing.
    - Danielle de Niese
  • My parents kept me very grounded.
    - Danielle de Niese
  • My mother actually does most of my shopping for me. I love fashion, but I don't really love shopping.
    - Danielle de Niese
  • I've always been a bit dressed up, even on casual days. I suppose that's the performer in me.
    - Danielle de Niese
  • The thing that fuels me the most is the desire to be on stage. And singing is the ultimate way of expressing all the emotions that I have inside.
    - Danielle de Niese
  • Music is as integral to me as my own DNA. My life has become a continual soundtrack, with music underscoring the most powerful and even the most banal moments of my life.
    - Danielle de Niese