Best quotes by Colbie Caillat on People

Checkout quotes by Colbie Caillat on People

  • I'm always shy and timid when I write in front of people.
    - Colbie Caillat
  • When I turned 19 I kinda realized that I needed to write my own songs instead of singing songs written by other people.
    - Colbie Caillat
  • If anyone is ever rude to you, then there's no need to hang out with them! Just find the people that make you feel good.
    - Colbie Caillat
  • My dad is one of the sweetest human beings around. He's so patient with people and has so many ideas that he's so much fun to work with.
    - Colbie Caillat
  • I'm against the ways of the world where people feel like they need to always make things too perfect.
    - Colbie Caillat