Best quotes by Christina Tosi on Love

Checkout quotes by Christina Tosi on Love

  • As a chef, I got into this because I love the creative energy and I love the science, but I also love to feed people and make them happy.
    - Christina Tosi
  • At first, learning to bake was purely selfish, but I quickly learned I can't eat every batch of cookies myself, so I would bake and eat what I wanted and give the rest away. I fell in love with feeding others as much as I loved eating sweets myself.
    - Christina Tosi
  • The thing I love about Vegas is there's something for any type of mood you're in and something for any kind of adventure you seek out.
    - Christina Tosi
  • I love cookbooks. I certainly have my fair share at home, but I'm a really funny cookbook person: I don't really ever cook out of cookbooks. I like cookbooks for the commentary or the pictures or the history.
    - Christina Tosi
  • For me, I love Portland. I love the food scene, I love the vibe, the environment.
    - Christina Tosi
  • I love the challenge of thinking about how we might approach a bowl of cereal. People are getting so involved in foodie culture and becoming more educated about their food, and yet it can be really simple to do something that's so good for you.
    - Christina Tosi
  • I really didn't have a big relationship with Vegas until I was in my 20s, and now I probably come out four or five times a year. I love it.
    - Christina Tosi
  • My curiosity and love for food started at an early age. My mother was a working mom, so I learned to whip up sweet and savory food using everyday pantry and grocery store ingredients that required little supervision.
    - Christina Tosi
  • I love a good challenge of looking with new eyes at a tried and true recipe in my recipe Rolodex.
    - Christina Tosi