Best quotes by Chris O'Dowd on Time

Checkout quotes by Chris O'Dowd on Time

  • Well, when you're the youngest of five, parents kind of lose interest more and more through the children. I think my eldest brother was under loads of pressure to do something amazing with his life, but by the time I came around they were like, 'Well, let's hope he doesn't kill a guy.'
    - Chris O'Dowd
  • I feel like I need to start wearing a T-shirt saying 'This is not a photo opportunity'. People are so lovely but you do find that when you're out you spend 40% of your time posing for photographs.
    - Chris O'Dowd
  • I'm probably working on three different scripts at any time, so there's never a time where I've got nothing to do.
    - Chris O'Dowd
  • I've gone up for loads of jobs in the past that I knew were going to be terrible, and I've done my best, and I still haven't got them. So I think I've been lucky in who's decided I'd be worthy of their time.
    - Chris O'Dowd
  • I get asked all the time if I want to do more dramatic acting, and I really doubt that dramatic actors get asked if they want to do more comedies. I don't really know why that is.
    - Chris O'Dowd
  • I'd like to think that I'm getting slightly more mature as time goes on, but I don't know if my fiancee would necessarily agree.
    - Chris O'Dowd