Best quotes by Chris Long on Football

Checkout quotes by Chris Long on Football

  • There was a time when I was injured and playing really bad and cut, rightfully so, that I wasn't sure what my future in football was.
    - Chris Long
  • I think of myself as a complete person, not just a football player and athlete.
    - Chris Long
  • My dad was able to give me everything through football.
    - Chris Long
  • I don't think football is enough for me.
    - Chris Long
  • In my career playing football, nobody asked me to do as much as Bill Belichick did.
    - Chris Long
  • In New England, I learned so much about football. I always thought I was a smart player, even though I never thought about anything but the six inches in front of my face. In New England, I was forced to learn so many schematic concepts.
    - Chris Long
  • Any football player will tell you that in July you get this dark cloud over you if you know camp's coming.
    - Chris Long
  • It's a team game, but at the end of the day, you gotta be happy, and you gotta enjoy playing football every day.
    - Chris Long
  • I've had to work and scratch and claw for every inch of what I've gotten as a football player.
    - Chris Long
  • I look at the opportunity to play football as a blessing and I think what doesn't kill you certainly makes you stronger.
    - Chris Long
  • I've been through nine camps, and they're all a little bit different, but at the end of the day, it's just football.
    - Chris Long