Best quotes by Arundhati Roy on Me

Checkout quotes by Arundhati Roy on Me

  • I think people ease into this careerist professionalism, so if you're a writer it's your job to manufacture books as opposed to writing them and to go to festivals and spend your life emotionally invested in reviews or the awards. You have to shrink your universe in a way. To me, it's the opposite.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • I never, ever decided that I had to write a novel because, to me, there's no such decision that ought to be made. It's only something that I felt compelled to do, and it began to evolve.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • To me, there is nothing higher than fiction. Nothing. It is fundamentally who I am. I am a teller of stories. For me, that's the only way I can make sense of the world, with all the dance that it involves.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • Everyone thinks I live alone, but I don't. My characters all live with me.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • I'm living to the edges of my fingernails, using everything I have. It's impossible for me to look at things politically or in any way as a project, to further my career. You're injected directly into the blood of the places in which you're living and what's going on there.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • I would never, ever use a novel to do thinly disguised political information dissemination. For me, all these experiences, they sat in me, and they got broken down into my body, and I sweated it out. It's not because I want to talk about 'issues.' For me, a novel is a way of seeing the world.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • If you ask me what is at the core of what I write, it isn't about 'rights', it's about justice. Justice is a grand, beautiful, revolutionary idea.
    - Arundhati Roy
  • To call someone like me a writer-activist suggests that it's not the job of a writer to write about the society in which they live. But it used to be our job.
    - Arundhati Roy