Best quotes by Charlie Trotter on People

Checkout quotes by Charlie Trotter on People

  • I couldn't really relate to the fraternity or party scene, to the people out in the mall every day protesting one thing or another. I felt like there was no one I could relate to.
    - Charlie Trotter
  • I'm really not that comfortable with people. I mean, I love individuals, but I'm not very social.
    - Charlie Trotter
  • It's a lot harder to get people to 'ooh' and 'aah' over beets and carrots than it is to get them to 'ooh' and 'aah' over artichokes or asparagus, and I enjoy being able to take these humble, 'lowbrow' foodstuffs up a few notches and serve them with great exuberance.
    - Charlie Trotter
  • My fantasy is to have a restaurant where there are no written menus, but where you just ask people, 'What are you in the mood for? Fish? Meat? White wine?'
    - Charlie Trotter
  • You can't be afraid to not have everything figured out. There's too much pressure on young people today to have it all figured out when they're in college.
    - Charlie Trotter